- During the chat with a Kama Games, a very interesting news cane up that Kama Games has recently launched a knock out tournament on online poker. He says that this game is different and something that people may have not seen this before. This online poker game is going to be something that people have never played before.
- In the chat he said that, they are the first to launch the social casino and make it popular. Knock out tournament plays a significant role in the online poker world. From the day when it is started people love this game, and moreover this allows their users to make real money by playing this game.
- Due to the past experiences of the Kama Games in the knockout tournament, he says that all his online poker tournaments were successful. He is confident that this new, game will also become everyone’s favorite and successful like other poker games. He also added that this is also real money poker games.
- Before launching this tournament, Kama games have also launched online slot game in which they have given opportunity for the VIP customer to join this before it was launched.
New Mobile Poker Game

- A new poker game is all ready to launch on the different platforms of Android and IOS. The owner of the poker game has said that this will be coming on the play store in just a few weeks. The name of the game is 888Poker, you can find this game on the play store by this name. This app is one of the best success for the poker game known so far.
- 888poker is the recently launched app, so the app requires a lot of promotions, so that people will get to know about this app, and will use it. So, for the promotion 888poker is organizing a huge giveaway, for their customers. As well as there is a free slot for their newly registered customers.
- For the promotion of the 888poker game, the advertisement of the game was revolving all over the social media. The app has also released a promotional video of the online poker game, on almost every social media handles you can see their adds including the YouTube.
- It is true that sitting at home in the lockdown may profit these apps, in a higher amount. As people will not visit any casino but can bring casinos on the mobile, there are many games which you can enjoy on your mobile phone itself. There are some remarkable changes, and somethings are added in the website which makes it more interesting. The advertisement of the mobile app itself looks cool and fascinating.
- In addition to this, the give away in this app is not only one time thing, the giveaway is organized in every five minutes and a notable gift drops or cashback is given. This help the app to attract customers in huge amount.